The Yes Blog

Improv: Change Your Mind

What would you say if I told you there’s genius in you?  What if I told you that there’s genius in everyone you work with? You may doubt it.  I believe it.  My experience bears out my belief. Imagine there’s a Ferrari in your driveway.  You drive it every day, but you firmly believe that […]

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Play Your Way to Innovation

Encourage and stimulate creativity and innovation. Get the edge on your competition. Keep up your interest and passion for work. Retain employees who love their work. Excite your clients, increase referral business, and create a buzz. This will be an article about cultivating a culture of creativity and innovation in business (and elsewhere). But first, […]

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You Can Keep Your Damn Sugar

Fear Can Muck Up Your Relationships One of my dad’s favorite jokes (at least I think it was one of his favorites.  He certainly tells it often) goes like this: Bob decides to do some baking and discovers that he doesn’t have any sugar.  “No problem,” Bob thinks, “I’ll just borrow some from Harry.  I’m […]

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